A two-day health camp and awareness program was organized on Tuesday in Jangolapalli village, Mulugu mandal, under the Rayanigudem Primary Health Center (PHC). The initiative was conducted under the instructions of Collector T.S. Divakar and District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO) Dr. Gopal Rao. Dr. Prasad, the PHC doctor, led the program.
The health team was divided into 10 groups and visited every household in the village. Their main focus was to educate residents about the dangers of superstitions, such as relying on witchcraft, and to encourage them to seek medical treatment at government hospitals when health issues arise. The team emphasized the importance of modern medical care over traditional practices.
During the visits, the health workers helped eliminate fears among the villagers and guided them on seeking proper medical help. They encouraged those with fever or other health problems to attend the health camp for treatment. Basic health checks, such as blood pressure (BP) and sugar tests, were also conducted. Additionally, issues related to water storage were identified and addressed.
The team visited a total of 540 households. Out of these, 212 residents received outpatient department (OPD) services. Blood samples were collected from 45 individuals, 145 underwent BP tests, and 50 were tested for diabetes.
Several health officials, including District Medical Health Program Officers Dr. Pawan Kumar and Dr. Srikanth, in-charge mass media officer Sampath, and district assistant malaria officer Durga Rao, participated in the camp and reviewed the survey. Other medical staff, including Rayanigudem PHC medical officer Dr. Vaishali, Ayushman Health Mandir doctors Navya Rani, Dr. Nandakishore, Dr. Ravali, and Dr. Navya, were also present.
The camp was supported by health extension officer Suresh Babu, supervisors Devender, Nirmala, Mary, Vasantha, and Uma Rani, along with health workers Sujata, Nikita, and Urmila. Lab technicians and ASHA workers also contributed to the success of the program.