Harsha Bhogle, a commentator and cricket expert, has received praise from fans on social media for his post-match interaction with MS Dhoni during the IPL 2023 match between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans. Bhogle conducted the post-match presentation, and fans were impressed by his ability to get Dhoni to talk freely and smoothly. Fans on Twitter praised the interaction, with one saying that Bhogle interviewing Dhoni is like “the dessert you need after a perfect meal.” Bhogle also made a statement during the match commentary, saying that Chennai is not just the land of MGR or Rajnikanth but also the land of “THALA,” MS Dhoni. Bhogle has thanked fans for their messages of support.
Harsha Bhogle Receives Love from Twitterverse Following Post-Match Exchange with MS Dhoni
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