Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao of Telangana has created the ‘Telangana Ku Haritha Haram’ program to focus on environmental sustainable development. The program aims to increase the green cover in the state from 24 to 33 percent, as a way to protect the planet for future generations. It is important to maintain a balance in the climate, and with the growing population, the need for more green cover is increasing.
The Telangana government launched the Haritha Haram program in 2015, with the goal of planting 230 crore plants. This initiative is the third largest human effort to promote greenery, following China and Brazil. The program has not only improved ecological balance, but it has also generated livelihood opportunities and led to good rainfall.
To ensure the success of this program, the Telangana government has made it mandatory for every village to plant trees. Each village is required to set up a nursery and protect the plants, as well as maintain a green and clean environment. Green Protection Committees have been formed at the village level to oversee the program, with the village sarpanch as the chairman. The survival of the planted trees is monitored through geo-tagging.
The government has also implemented various types of plantations, such as Avenue Plantation, Block Plantation, Institutional Plantation, Homestead Plantation, and Agro Forestry Plantation, to increase greenery in different areas of the state. This comprehensive approach aims to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly future for Telangana.