Harish Rao, a BRS MLA, asked Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to bring back the Telangana Brahmin Sankshema Parishad. He wrote a letter to the Chief Minister explaining that the Brahmin Parishad was started by CM KCR to help poor Brahmins in the state. But now, under the current government, programs to support Brahmins have stopped. This has affected education, self-employment, and Vedic education initiatives for the Brahmin community.
When CM KCR was in charge, Rs 100 crore was allocated every year for the Brahmin Parishad. Various programs like the ‘Vivekananda Overseas Education Scheme’ and financial aid for Vedic schools were started to uplift Brahmin families. Many underprivileged Brahmin students were given Rs 20 lakh each for studying abroad, and scholarships were provided to others. Rs 150 crore helped over 5,000 Brahmin entrepreneurs. The construction of Brahmin Sadans in Rangareddy district showed Telangana’s commitment to Brahmin welfare.
Harish Rao requested the government to give Rs 100 crore to the parishad, release Rs 30 crore for students studying abroad, and select applicants for the upcoming academic year.