The Finance Minister of Telangana, Harish Rao, recently criticized the Governor of the state, Tamilisai Soundararajan, for not approving bills passed by the state legislature. According to Rao, the Governor has been in power for seven months without taking any action on the bills. He further stated that bills are only passed when cases are filed in courts, and the progress of the state is being hindered by the BJP’s conspiracies.
Rao pointed out that the Governor had recently sent a bill for the establishment of a Forest University to the President, which had been stalled for seven months. The bill aimed to provide jobs through the Common Recruitment Board and had already been implemented in states like Bihar and Jharkhand since 1961. He questioned why the Governor’s behavior was unreasonable and causing trouble for the state.
The Minister accused the Governor of playing politics and causing trouble for the state, adding that Telangana society hates her actions. He also warned that Telangana would teach the Center a lesson at the right time.
In conclusion, Harish Rao criticized the Governor’s inaction on important bills and called for her to take immediate action to ensure the progress of the state.