Finance Minister T Harish Rao accused the Congress party of looting the country and called them ‘Scangress’ due to their history of corruption. He responded to allegations made by Rahul Gandhi during a meeting in Khammam on Twitter. Rao stated that the people of the country removed the Congress party from power because of their corruption. He also disagreed with the comments that BRS is the BJP Rashtra Samithi, saying that BRS is not anyone’s B team and that they are an A class team working for the welfare of the poor. He criticized Rahul Gandhi for not being updated and mentioned that the Congress leader has not seen the distribution of Podu land pattas in the state. Rao also mocked Rahul Gandhi’s claim of corruption worth Rs 1 lakh crore in the Kaleshwaram project, pointing out that the actual cost of the project was Rs 80,321.57 crores. He highlighted that the Centre had confirmed that the entire cost of the project would be borne by the State government and not a single rupee was provided by the Centre.
Harish Rao: Congress has a long-standing record of plundering the nation
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