Former irrigation minister T Harish Rao has accused Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of using his visit to Medigadda as a distraction from the Nalgonda public meeting. Harish Rao made these comments at the Assembly media point. He believes that the Chief Minister planned his tour in response to the announcement of the Nalgonda public meeting, which will be attended by party president K Chandrasekhar Rao. Harish Rao also mentioned past incidents such as the sinking of piers at Medigadda barrage, the Panjagutta flyover mishap in 2007, and previous problems with pipelines at the Devadula project.
Harish Rao expressed his frustration over the denial of speaking opportunities for the “principal Opposition” and felt that the basic principles were being undermined in the House. He objected to the Chief Minister speaking on an undisclosed agenda and lamented that his party was not given a chance to respond to the allegations made in the House.