T Harish Rao, the Minister for Finance and Health, has announced that Telangana is becoming a center of excellence for medicine and medical education. The state has established eight medical colleges last year and nine more this year, with each college offering 100 MBBS seats. The recent approval of Kamareddy, Khammam, and KumrambhimAsifabad medical colleges brings the state government closer to achieving its goal of establishing six more medical colleges. The number of MBBS and PG seats has increased significantly since 2014-15, with the number of MBBS seats increasing by 240% to 7,090 and the number of PG seats increasing by 111% to 2,548. The government is committed to recruiting more assistant professors, completing the promotion process for associate professors, and providing promotions to 65 professors. The aim is to fill 1,442 assistant professor posts soon. The government is also working to improve the quality of medical education and maintain discipline in medical colleges. To provide specialty services in rural areas, the government has allocated 800 PG Senior Residents to medical colleges in the districts and Vaidya Vidhana Parishad main hospitals. The Minister emphasized that the establishment of more medical colleges is a step in the right direction towards providing high-quality healthcare services to all citizens.
Harish Rao announces expansion of medical colleges in Telangana, establishing it as a hub for quality medicine.
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