In the Telangana Assembly on Monday, there was a heated argument between Minister Komati Reddy Venkata Reddy and former minister BRS MLA Harish Rao. Uttam Kumar Reddy gave a presentation and made allegations against the previous BRS government, which led to a strong reaction from Harish Rao. Both parties requested an opportunity to present their facts through a power point presentation.
The government announced that the Krishna River projects will not be handed over to KRMB. This decision was seen as a victory for the people of Telangana and BRS. The minister’s statement was in response to the upcoming big meeting in Nalgonda by BRS, where they plan to address their mistakes.
Minister Komatireddy Venkata Reddy countered Harish Rao’s comments by highlighting Jagan’s statement in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly. He criticized the Congress government for speaking against it despite the AP CM’s approval. He accused BRS of cheating Nalgonda district and causing problems in agriculture and drinking water. He demanded an apology from KCR regarding the issue of Krishna waters before he would attend the Nalgonda Sabha.
In response, Harish Rao demanded that Komati Reddy apologize for calling KCR, who won the state, in that manner.