Finance Minister T Harish Rao accused the Congress party of being against the farming community throughout the election process. He claimed that when the Congress was in power, they harassed farmers by providing electricity only at night, despite promising nine-hour free power during the 2009 elections. When the BRS protested against this issue, the Congress ignored it.
Rao also mentioned that the Congress government in Karnataka had stopped the ‘RythuBandhu’ scheme, which was similar to Telangana’s RythuBandhu scheme implemented during BJP’s rule. He stated that Congress leaders complained to the Election Commission about RythuBandhu. However, after explaining that it was an existing scheme, the EC granted permission. But later, another complaint was filed by Niranjan asking the EC to withdraw permission, resulting in the EC’s decision to stop the scheme. Rao criticized the Congress for taking away support from farmers.
Rao criticized the PCC chief for accusing the EC of favoring the government and alleged that the BJP and BRS had a close relationship. He pointed out that farmers in Karnataka used to receive 8-9 hours of power but now only receive five hours, portraying it as an attempt to deceive the people of Telangana. Rao expressed confidence that BRS would come to power and win 80 seats, while also accusing the two national parties of attacking the self-respect of Telangana’s people. He claimed that in Karnataka, motors would be fixed in a day or two.
Keshava Rao defended Harish Rao, stating that he did not violate any EC norms and that his expression of gratitude did not provoke anyone. He emphasized that Harish Rao was not responsible for the EC’s decision and that an officer even mentioned it as an unprecedented order.