K. Chandrasekhar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, laid the foundation stone for the Hare Krishna Heritage Tower in Kokapet. The tower will be a 400ft temple on a six-acre plot and will cost Rs. 200 Crores. The Telangana Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy and other officials attended the event.
The Hare Krishna Movement is building the tower, which will include the Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Sri Venkateswara Swamy temples. The Radha Krishna temple hall will hold 1500 devotees, while the Venkateswara Swamy temple will have a Prakara of 37,000 sft and be inspired by the Tirumala Temple designs. The campus will also feature Kakatiya Architectural elements to showcase Telangana heritage.
The Hare Krishna Heritage Tower will use the latest technology like holograms and laser projections to create immersive experiences and tell the legends of Lord Krishna in a captivating manner, especially for younger generations. Amenities like an Annadhanam hall, library, auditorium, Kalyana Mandapa, IMAX theatre, open-air theatre, lecture halls, queue complex, guest house with 100 rooms, and shram will also be available.