A handloom weaver from Siricilla district in Telangana state, named Vijay, has presented a silk saree that can fit into a matchbox to Sri Kanakadurga temple atop Indrakiladri in Vijayawada of NTR district. The saree is made of gold and silver and weighs about 100 grams. Vijay used five grams of gold and ten grams of silver to weave this saree with fine silk threads. He prayed to the goddess to save the handloom profession while making this saree. Vijay is a skilled handloom artist who has showcased his talent on several occasions. In the past, he has also made a silver saree that emits fragrances. Recently, he has offered the saree to Tirumala as well. A special pooja was performed for this saree at the temple.
Handloom weaver from Siricilla introduces saree that can be packed in a match box, exclusively for Vijayawada Indrakeeladri temple visitors.
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