In an IPL 2023 match on Tuesday, Gujarat Titans beat Mumbai Indians by 55 runs. Gujarat Titans is now the second team to have five wins in IPL 2023, and they join CSK at the top of the table. Shubman Gill scored 56 runs off 34 balls to help Gujarat Titans reach an impressive score of 207 for 6. David Miller made 46 runs off 22 balls and Abhinav Manohar scored a quick 42 runs off 21 balls. Leg-spinner Piyush Chawla took 2 wickets for MI.
MI had a tough time chasing the score and kept losing wickets at regular intervals. They were restricted to 152 for 9. Noor Ahmad, a left-arm Afghan spinner, was the pick of the bowlers for GT with 3 wickets for 37 runs.
The match updates can be found in the live IPL 2023 HIGHLIGHTS, GT vs MI Match Updates, Game 35 on April 25.