The Geological Survey of India Training Institute (GSITI) in Hyderabad has signed a five-year agreement with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in Bengaluru. This agreement is part of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) program and was signed on September 11. The signing of the agreement was attended by representatives from both organizations, including Dr Mathew Joseph from GSITI and Dr J.V. Thomas from ISRO.
The purpose of this agreement is to provide training in mineral resources and disaster management as part of the NNRMS program. The project aims to build capacity by developing skilled individuals who can utilize digital image processing, GIS, remote sensing techniques, and geoinformatics for mineral exploration and disaster management.
Over the next five years, GSITI in Hyderabad will conduct 15 training sessions. These sessions will benefit approximately 300 individuals from various government departments, public sector undertakings (PSUs), academic institutions, and research scholars.
This partnership between GSITI and ISRO will contribute to the development of expertise in the field of natural resources management and disaster management.