Hyderabad: Chief Minister KCR and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Srinivas Reddy, released the collection of cartoons titled “Harithahaasam” that inspires interest in nature and the environment at the Pragathi Bhavan. The collection of cartoons, titled “Harithahaasam – Tree Toons,” was launched as part of the Green India Challenge, with cartoonist Mritunjay from Telangana Daily Newspaper.
The Green India Challenge, which is working with enthusiasm for greenery and environmental well-being, has undertaken another innovative experiment. Understanding the necessity of tree planting and the importance of environmental balance, Mritunjay created a collection of cartoons titled “Harithahaasam – Tree Toons.” Rajya Sabha MP Joginapalli Santosh Kumar guided this collection. Speaker Srinivas Reddy and CM KCR launched it at Pragathi Bhavan.
In a timely manner, the Chief Minister appreciated the collection of cartoons that depict the importance of tree plantation, environmental balance, and three aspects of society. CM KCR praised cartoonist Mritunjay for his work. As part of this event, Mritunjay presented a cartoon painting that portrays Telangana’s greenery to CM KCR.
Speaker Srinivas Reddy expressed his desire that cartoonists should create more pictures that make people think about social issues, not just political matters. He appreciated the speaker’s efforts to bring more attention to nature. MP Santosh Kumar praised Mritunjay, who is now gaining more popularity through the Green India Challenge. The exhibition of these cartoons will be organized soon.
In this event, CM OSD Priyanka Varghese, Green India representatives Karunakar, Raghav, and others were present.