The Agra Akhand Jyot Rath Yatra, organized by Agarwal Samaj, Telangana, was warmly welcomed at Hanuman Temple Sanath Nagar on Friday. The yatra was greeted with great enthusiasm and musical instruments were played in the temple courtyard. Aarti of Maharaj Agrasen was performed during the event. Around 10 branches of Agarwal Samaj, including Motinagar branch, Motinagar Mahila Shakti, S R Nagar, Lodha, Balanagar, Bulkumpet, Erragadda, and Santnagar branches, as well as office bearers of Srinagar Colony branch, and approximately 200 members from all the branches, came together to welcome the Agarwal Samaj brothers who arrived with the chariot.
Grand welcome for Agarwal Samaj, Rath Yatra in Hyderabad
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