The State government concluded the Swatantra Bharat Vajrotsavalu celebrations on Friday with a grand display of cultural programs. Chief Minister KCR, ministers, and lawmakers were in attendance along with other important guests. The event took place at HICC and featured renowned artists who impressed the audience with their musical talents. It was a memorable evening for everyone involved.
The Swatantra Bharat Vajrotsavalu ended with a variety of entertaining cultural programs. VIPs, including Ministers, MPs, MLAs, and public representatives, were present at HICC to witness the performances.
Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao arrived at the venue around 3 pm and hoisted the National Flag. He was greeted by Ministers and BRS leaders. The CM paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s statue and inaugurated the program by lighting a lamp.
The cultural programs were organized by the Telangana Language Culture department and Sangeet NatakAkademi. The CM and other dignitaries also watched a short film about the Vajrotsavalu celebrations by the Information and Public Relations department.
The Hyderabad Brothers recited Mahatma Gandhi’s famous bhajan, ‘Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram…’, which captivated the audience. Other songs like ‘Edigo Bhadradri Adigo Chudandi’ and ‘Endaro Mahanubhavulu Andariki Vandanalu’ also enthralled the crowd.
The dance art performance called Bharatiya Bhavana by the Sangeet Natak Academy showcased various dance forms like Bharatnatyam, Perini, Mohini Attam, Odissi, and more, which drew the attention of the audience.
A dance performance highlighting the development in Telangana called ‘Telangana Avataram Telangana Avataram… tolipodduNavakiranam… Bharat Mata Abharanam..’ by AyachitamNateshwara Sharma received great appreciation. It showcased the government’s schemes like the Kaleshwaram project, Dalit Bandhu, RythuBandhu, and other welfare programs.
A musical jugalbandi called ‘Symphony of Freedom’ featuring instruments like Tabla, Flute, GitaraDappu, and others provided a soothing experience for the participants.
The VajrotsavaHarati performance by Manjula Ramaswamy and her team was a highlight of the event and captured the attention of the audience.