In Bhadrachalam, the Srirama Navami celebrations ended with the Chakrasnanam programme at the Godavari River. Earlier in the day, a special abhishekam was done for the festival deities at the temple. Then, the deities were taken to the river in a procession with chants of “Jai Shri Ram.”
Once at the riverbank, the priests set up the deities on a stage and performed the Chakrasnanam ceremony while chanting mantras and vedas. This marked the end of the celebrations. In the evening, special pujas were held by the priests.
The Chakrasnanam programme was a grand conclusion to the two-week long festivities in Bhadrachalam. The event attracted devotees who witnessed the rituals performed by the priests and participated in the prayers and chants. Overall, it was a joyful and spiritual end to the Srirama Navami celebrations in the town.