Discoveri Oaks School Hyderabad celebrated its first annual day, ‘Akarnia,’ with the theme “Parivartan Samsar Ka Niyam.” The event was attended by Telugu film actor Raja Hebel, retired principal and educator Lakshmi Krishnan, School Director Neelima Garu, and School Principal Sara Anjum Garu.
Parents and students were invited as guests for the anniversary celebration. The program started with the lighting of the Jyoti (lamp) and the invocation of “Shubham Kurutvam Kalyanam.” Awards were given to students for their achievements throughout the academic year. Lakshmi Krishnan released the school anthem, ‘Here We Inspire to Discover,’ and the student group performed it.
The students of Discoveri Oaks School showcased their talents through various dance performances, songs, and plays during the event, creating a festive atmosphere.