Hyderabad: In a big embarrassment for Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan has rejected the nomination of two leaders from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) for MLC posts. The Governor stated that the nominees did not possess the required knowledge and achievements to be eligible for the posts under the Governor quota. She also advised against nominating politically-aligned individuals and instead suggested considering genuinely eminent persons.
Previously, the Governor had rejected the nomination of BRS leader P Kaushik Reddy for similar reasons. Now, the names of Ghanta Chakrapani and T Swamy Goud are being considered as potential candidates after the Governor rejected the names recommended by the State Cabinet. Chakrapani is a noted intellectual and former chairman of Telangana State Public Service Commission, while Goud has served as the president of the Telangana non-gazetted officers’ union and was previously a member and chairman of the council.
Following the Governor’s decision, BRS leaders are inquiring about the possibility of resending the names or making changes to the nominations. Aspirant PL Srinivas claims to be eligible for the post based on his qualifications and experiences as a fellow of Bharat Scout and Guides and vice-president of Secunderabad Bharat Scouts and Guides. Another aspirant, A Venkateshwar Reddy, believes his association with sports and his efforts in supporting budding cricketers and developing rural areas make him eligible.
The Governor rejected the nominations of D Sravan Kumar and K Satyanarayana due to their party affiliations.