Telangana Tamil Sangam office-bearers met with Governor CP Radhakrishnan at Raj Bhavan in Hyderabad. The delegation included MK Bose, P Dharamaseelan, S Rajkumar, N Nehru Sastry, and T Kumararajan.
During the meeting, the officials presented a memorandum to the Governor requesting land for the construction of Tamil Bhavan. This center would promote Tamil culture and heritage, serving as a hub for cultural activities and community gatherings.
The delegation also asked for Tamil to remain a first language option in schools in Hyderabad. They emphasized the importance of preserving Tamil heritage and supporting Tamil language education.
Additionally, they requested an extension of the Charminar Express route from Hyderabad to Kanyakumari, passing through key temple cities in Tamil Nadu. This extension aims to improve connectivity for devotees and tourists visiting these important cities.
The Governor promised to consider their requests and support them in addressing these concerns.