Hyderabad: Telangana Governor Jishnu Dev Verma extended his greetings to the people on the eve of Bhogi and Sankranti. In a message from the Raj Bhavan on Sunday, he conveyed his heartfelt wishes to everyone celebrating these auspicious festivals.
The Governor described Bhogi and Sankranti as harvest festivals that symbolize joy and abundance. He expressed hope that the celebrations would bring happiness, prosperity, and good health to all.
He highlighted the cultural significance of these festivals, stating that they reflect the rich traditions of the region. “The Sankranti celebrations foster unity and harmony among all sections of society,” he said.
Governor Verma also encouraged people to embrace the noble values of love, affection, amity, and brotherhood during this festive season. Concluding his message, he once again conveyed his warm greetings to everyone on this joyous occasion.