In Hyderabad, government doctors are asking for a limit of 20 percent on transfers, but the health department is planning to transfer employees who have been working in the same place for over ten years. The Telangana Government Doctors Association wants the state government to only transfer 20 percent of doctors, but the government is not interested in setting a cap and intends to transfer all professors, teaching doctors, nurses, and other staff members without exceptions.
During a round table meeting, the government doctors mentioned that in 2018, a previous government had imposed a cap of 40 percent on transfers to avoid disruptions in the health sector. However, the current Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari reduced this to 20 percent as she believed a higher percentage would impact services. The doctors are now urging the Chief Minister to maintain the 20 percent cap to prevent difficulties in the health system.
Teaching doctors are concerned about the lack of transfers for those working in Hyderabad, favoring those in peripheral areas. They also criticized a previous exemption given to doctors at specific medical colleges. The Telangana Teaching Government Doctors Association highlighted the importance of general transfers this year to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all eligible staff members.
The association emphasized the need for regular transfers to provide better exposure and opportunities for faculty members across different regions. They believe that continuous movement of staff is essential for professional growth and development.