Former minister and senior Congress leader Ram Reddy Damodar Reddy has promised to investigate the debts of Rs 85,000 crores incurred by the electricity department. He blames Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy, the previous power minister, for this debt. Damodar Reddy also plans to look into the encroachment of government lands and canals in Suryapet and take action against those who have illegally taken over these lands for real estate purposes.
As the Congress in-charge of the Suryapet constituency for the next five years, Damodar Reddy aims to organize public darbars and address the concerns of the people. He assures that the Congress government will implement six guarantee schemes within 100 days, with two guarantees already fulfilled within three days of assuming office.
Damodar Reddy also hints at an inquiry into corruption in outsourcing jobs at the medical college and the involvement of Jagdish Reddy’s relatives in this matter. A comprehensive plan for the development of Suryapet town and constituency will be created, and a committee will oversee the implementation of the six guarantees in the constituency. He promises to establish a government degree college and pursue the establishment of a university in Suryapet.
Damodar Reddy expresses disappointment that only 190 people were provided houses in Suryapet when 7,000 people had applied for them. He ensures that all eligible poor individuals will be given houses by the Congress government. He also plans to create new parks and improve sports facilities, including the construction of an indoor stadium.
Congress leaders Koppula Vena Reddy, Chakilam Rajeshwar Rao, town president Amjad Ali, Ramesh, and Kakkireni Srinivas participated in the media meet.