Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka announced on Tuesday that all eligible people will receive ration cards and Indiramma Indlu (housing under the government scheme). He also encouraged those who have not yet applied for these schemes to submit their applications now.
The Deputy CM, along with other ministers, conducted a review meeting regarding the Grama Sabhas, which were launched the same day. These Grama Sabhas are being organized to identify eligible beneficiaries for various government welfare schemes.
The schemes being addressed include Indiramma Indlu, ration cards, Indiramma Atmiya Bharosa (a support system), and Rythu Bharosa (a scheme to help farmers). The identification process for beneficiaries will continue until January 24.
Deputy CM Vikramarka stated that the total cost of implementing these four schemes is estimated to be ₹40,000 crore.