In Wanaparthy, Agriculture Minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy spoke at a gathering in the district party office. He talked about the government’s support for the Gowda castes and mentioned the historical neglect they faced during the Andhra rule. He highlighted the lack of opportunities for their professions. However, the Telangana government has taken steps to support the Gowda profession. They have implemented welfare schemes and initiated the Haritaharam program to raise forests and support Geetha workers.
One of the initiatives announced is an insurance scheme specifically for Geetha workers. The government has also allocated a 15% reservation for Geetha workers in wine shops. The event also celebrated the life and contributions of Sardar Sarvai Papanna Goud, who advocated for the development of the poor. The program aimed to start the construction of a bronze statue of Goud in front of the Polytechnic College, a project that was delayed due to Election Code constraints.
The gathering brought together Gowda leaders, including former MLA Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy and other community figures, showing their support for the Telangana government’s efforts.