Hyderabad: Minister for Revenue and Housing, Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, has instructed officials to complete the scrutiny of 80 lakh applications submitted under Phase-I by the end of this month. These applications, primarily related to housing, were received during the PrajaPalana program. To ensure accurate verification of eligibility, the newly launched Indiramma App will be utilized.
The Minister, along with Government Advisor to the Chief Minister, Vem Narender Reddy, and Chief Secretary, Santhi Kumari, held a video conference with district Collectors on Wednesday. During the meeting, Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy emphasized that nearly 80 lakh applications were received under the Indiramma housing scheme. He directed Collectors to assign one surveyor for every 500 applications to conduct field-level surveys. He also stressed the importance of informing Indiramma committees about the surveys and ensuring daily monitoring of the program by the Collectors.
To address any issues that arise, the Minister called for a proper grievance redressal mechanism to be implemented. He highlighted the need for efficient coordination and oversight to ensure the success of the program.
In addition to housing, the Minister announced plans to launch a new diet menu for welfare and residential institutions. This program will roll out across all ashram schools, welfare schools, residential schools, and KGBV (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) schools in the state on December 14.