The Criminal Petition filed by Bandi Sanjay, Telangana BJP president and MP from Karimnagar, seeking quash of the Docket Order dated 5-04-2023 was adjudicated by the High Court Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan on Monday. The order was passed by the First Class Magistrate at Hanamkonda in Crime No. 60 of 2023 on the file of PS Kamalapur, Hanmakonda, in which he was remanded to judicial custody for the offence of TS SSC Question Paper leak. However, Advocate General Banda Shivananda Prasad informed the Court that the petition became infructuous as the petitioner had already obtained bail from a lower court and is out on bail. The Chief Justice agreed with the contentions and stated that nothing remains in this case. Later, a Junior Advocate representing L Ravichander, Senior counsel for Bandi Sanjay, sought an adjournment on the ground that L Ravichander will argue this case. The Chief Justice directed the Advocate General to file an appropriate affidavit in the Court for passing orders and adjourned the Criminal Petition to 21-04-2023 for further adjudication.
In another case, the High Court Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan adjudicated the Criminal Petition filed by Dharmapuri Arvind MP from Nizamabad seeking Anticipatory Bail in a SC, ST Case registered against him in the Madannapet Police Station. The Chief Justice directed the Telangana Police to release the petitioner D Arvind on bail furnishing personal bond if he is arrested in the SC, ST Atrocities case registered against him in Madannapet PS. The Chief Justice issued notices to the State and directed the petitioner to array Bangaru Sailoo, De-facto complainant to the criminal petition. On a complaint by Bangaru Sailoo, a social worker from Nizamabad at Madannapet PS, alleging that the derogatory and offensive comments of the Member of Parliament on 31-10-2021 at the Chanchalguda Prison against the persons belonging SCs, STs as “Lottapisu” has demeaned the self-respect of the SCs and STs, upon which a case was registered against Mr. Arvind, MP under Section 3(1)(7) of SC, ST ( Prevention of Atrocities), Act which is non bailable offence. Pratap Reddy, Public Prosecutor appeared for the State and informed the Court that a Notice under Section 41A CrPC will be issued to the petitioner and assured the court that MP Arvind will not be arrested. However, the Chief Justice directed the Telangana Police to release Arvind if they intend to arrest him.