In Karimnagar, the State government is taking steps to improve power supply in response to criticism from the Opposition. The TSNPDCL is using traditional methods alongside modern technology to address issues like electricity reading, bill payment digitization, and supply interruptions. Efforts are being made to reduce disruptions in power supply by implementing policies like System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI).
Feeder-wise surveys are being conducted to identify and address problems in the power supply system. A special officer has been appointed for the district to coordinate with officials and expedite surveys. If any issues are identified, photos are taken and uploaded to the power company’s website for resolution.
In addition, measures are being taken to ensure uninterrupted power supply to households. The MD has instructed that power supply should not be interrupted for more than 2 hours for development works. There are currently 33 KV feeders, 88 11 KV feeders, and 25,602 controllers in the district. Efforts are underway to digitize the remaining 11 KV feeders.
NPDCL Chairman Varun Reddy explained that the System Average Interruption Division Index is used to calculate disruptions in the power distribution system. By analyzing the reasons for interruptions in supply and taking immediate action to resolve them, the goal is to provide uninterrupted power supply to consumers. The System Average Interruption Frequency Index will also be used to address issues in feeders and ensure stable power supply.