The State government in Hyderabad approved Rs 1.95 crore to compensate families of employees who died during Lok Sabha election duty. A total of 13 employees were identified to receive Rs 15 lakh each as ex-gratia payment. The proposals came from District Election Officers and Collectors, reporting the deaths of these individuals while on election duty.
The families of the deceased employees will receive Rs 15 lakh each as compensation for their loss. The government made this decision after receiving information from the District Election Officers and Collectors about the employees’ deaths during the recent Lok Sabha polls. The total amount approved for ex-gratia compensation is Rs 1.95 crore.
This move by the State government aims to support the families of those who lost their lives while serving on election duty. The administrative sanction of Rs 1.95 crore will help provide financial assistance to the families of the deceased employees. The funds will help ease the burden on the families who have lost their loved ones in the line of duty.