Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka clarified that the Congress government is committed to the welfare of SCs and will continue the scheme of Dalitha Bandhu. The budget allocation of Rs 1,000 crore under Abhayahastham shows the government’s dedication to this scheme. The modalities for implementing the scheme will be decided later.
In response to questions raised by the Opposition on the Vote on Account budget, Bhatti stated that the government has allocated Rs 1,000 crore for the welfare of SCs. He also pointed out that the previous government had failed to release funds worth Rs 17,000 crore despite making allocations.
Regarding Indiramma Housing and its budget allocations, Bhatti clarified that the government is committed to providing housing to the poor. He also assured that a decision on extending the 18% reservation to SCs will be made at the right time. The government welcomes suggestions from Opposition leaders and is determined to provide jobs to the youth. The TSPSC panel has been formed for this purpose, and once the required staff is recruited, notifications will be issued.