The 50th Foundation Day of the United Teachers’ Federation was celebrated in Hyderabad. The event was inaugurated by prominent literary personality Mothukuri Narahari. TSUTF president K Jangaiah spoke at the meeting and highlighted the union’s efforts in fighting for the development of public education and the welfare of teachers. Narahari emphasized the importance of unity and vigilance in protecting the rights and facilities achieved through collective struggles. STFI national vice-president M Samyukta praised UTF for its progress in promoting study, teaching, social consciousness, and women’s leadership. TSUTF general secretary Chava Ravi announced that the jubilee programs will continue until August 10, 2024, and a family welfare fund has been established to provide financial assistance to members’ families in case of death while in service. Various senior leaders also participated in the event.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations Kickstart in Hyderabad by UTF
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