Hyderabad’s Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Minister, K.T. Rama Rao, announced that on June 16, 150 Ward Offices will open. Each office will have 10 staff members, including a Ward Administrative Officer (WAO) who will lead the team. People can visit the offices to address any civic grievances they have. The initiative aims to bring governance closer to the people.
The Ward Offices will ensure that all civic infrastructure provided under ongoing schemes and development projects in the ward receives proper maintenance. The MA&UD Minister also plans to release a Citizens Charter that outlines how long it will take to redress grievances. The charter will be displayed at the offices to keep citizens informed.
Each Ward Office will have a WAO who coordinates with all government departments and escalates issues to additional or deputy commissioners. Other staff members include engineers, town planners, entomologists, sanitary jawans, community organizers, urban biodiversity supervisors, assistants, line inspectors, computer operators, and receptionists. They will address issues such as water logging, potholes, building construction, sanitation, and power supply.
The MA&UD Minister believes that no other metro city in the country has implemented a Ward Office system like this before. He anticipates that other cities may adopt a similar approach in the future.