Dr Kavvampally Satyanarayana, also known as ‘Dr Saab’, is the MLA representing Manakondur constituency in Karimnagar. Born in June 1967 in Pachunur village, he studied up to Intermediate in Karimnagar before completing his medicine degree at Kakatiya University in Warangal. Dr Satyanarayana worked as a general surgeon in a hospital in Delhi for three years and later became a professor at Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. Along with his wife, Dr Anuradha, he established Ankita Super Specialty Hospital in Hyderabad and started providing free medical services to his native village and beyond.
His desire to serve the people led him to enter politics at the urging of late leader YSR. Dr Satyanarayana has contested elections from various parties, including Praja Rajyam Party and Telugu Desam Party, before joining the Congress party in 2018. He won the Legislative Assembly elections in November 2023 as an MLA and has been actively working to address the issues faced by the people of his constituency.
In addition to his political career, Dr Satyanarayana has held leadership positions in medical associations and has been actively involved in providing medical care to those in need. He believes in serving the community and has contributed financially to various development projects, such as donating money for canal construction and education expenses. He continues to engage with the people directly during his constituency-wide tours and morning walks, addressing their concerns promptly.
Dr Satyanarayana’s dedication to serving his constituents is evident through his actions and contributions towards their well-being. His commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those he represents is reflected in his ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life in Manakondur constituency.