P Sabitha Indra Reddy, the MLA from Maheshwaram, has been elected for the fifth time in the general elections held in December 2023. She is known as a seasoned politician and is affectionately called ‘Amma’ by all. Sabitha has been successful in maintaining a strong grip over her constituency and has won elections in 2000, 2004, 2009, 2018, and 2023.
Before serving as a Home Minister and Minister of Education in the KCR cabinet, Sabitha represented the YSR cabinet as Home Minister and Minister for Mines and Geology from 2004 to 2009 in the united AP. She is known for bringing together leaders and contractors from different communities to work on infrastructure projects in various areas.
Despite her recent victory in the Assembly elections, there has been a rise in public discord against Sabitha in Maheshwaram. The constituency covers two corporations—Badangpet and Meerpet—along with two municipalities, Jalpally and Tukkuguda. People are upset with what they perceive as political showmanship taking precedence over actual development in the constituency.
The Strategic Nala Development Programme (SNDP), aimed at building an underground nala to address inundation issues during the rainy season, has been pending for a long time. Additionally, there have been complaints about the lack of new schools and colleges being established during Sabitha’s term as Education Minister.
There have been speculations about Sabitha potentially joining the Congress party, where she started her political career. However, she has stated that she will remain with the BRS party regardless of any opportunities that may come her way.