Arun Kumar Jain, the General Manager of South Central Railway, inspected the Charlapally Satellite terminal on Saturday. This terminal is being developed as a new coaching terminal for the twin cities. Jain was briefed about the progress of infrastructure and passenger amenity works. He also inspected various ongoing works, including widening of platforms, construction of new platforms and lines for MMTS trains, and installation of cover over platforms and water pedestals. Jain stated that Charlapally Railway station will become the fourth major passenger terminal in the twin cities, with modern facilities comparable to airports.
The development of Charlapally Railway station as an alternate coaching terminal has been approved by the Railway Board with an estimated cost of Rs 221 crores. The works are expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The station is also part of the MMTS Phase – II project. In this year’s budget, Rs 82 crores has been allocated for the development of the Charlapally satellite terminal. There are plans to construct an “All Weather covered shed” for pit lines at Charlapally, which is awaiting approval from the Railway Board.