Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot accused the BJP of insulting former Congress leader Rajesh Pilot. The BJP’s IT department head, Amit Malviya, claimed on X that Rajesh Pilot and Suresh Kalmadi flew Indian Air Force planes that bombed Aizawl on March 5, 1966. Sachin Pilot responded to Malviya on X, correcting the facts and dates. He stated that his father was commissioned into the force in October that year and shared a certificate proving Rajesh Pilot’s commission in the Indian Air Force on October 29, 1966.
Gehlot then posted on X, expressing his outrage over the insult towards Rajesh Pilot. He emphasized that Pilot was a brave pilot of the Indian Air Force, and by disrespecting him, the BJP was disrespecting the sacrifices made by the Air Force. Gehlot called for the condemnation of this act by the entire country.