Gautam Gambhir, a former Indian cricketer and current mentor of the IPL franchise Lucknow Super Giants, posted a cryptic tweet on Wednesday that left cricket fans puzzled. In the tweet, Gambhir wrote, “Man who ran away from Delhi Cricket citing ‘pressure’ seems over eager to sell paid PR as concern for cricket! Yahi Kalyug Hai, Jaha Bhagode’ Apni Adalat Chalate Hai!” However, it is unclear who Gambhir was referring to in the tweet.
The rivalry between Gambhir and Virat Kohli, the captain of Royal Challengers Bangalore, reignited on Monday when they came face-to-face after the RCB vs LSG match. They were seen arguing over an incident that developed during the match. Kohli was deeply agitated during LSG’s innings and was even involved in a couple of ugly face-offs with Naveen-ul-Haq and Amit Mishra of LSG. An eyewitness gave a lowdown of events to PTI, stating that while it was tense and a blow away from turning into a free-for-all, it all seemed a bit juvenile at both ends.
Gambhir’s tweet comes after his confrontation with Kohli and has been interpreted as a veiled reference to him. The tweet suggests that someone who left Delhi cricket due to pressure is now trying to sell themselves as a crusader for the sport. It is not clear who Gambhir is referring to in the tweet.