The Telangana government is launching the Mahalakshmi scheme to provide gas cylinders for Rs 500 starting Tuesday. This scheme will benefit both Ujjwala scheme beneficiaries and general consumers. However, beneficiaries will need to pay the full cost of the gas upfront and then the government will reimburse them. Currently, the Central government provides a subsidy of Rs.40 to gas consumers, which is directly credited to their accounts. Under the Mahalakshmi scheme, the gas price is Rs 500, with a Rs 40 Central subsidy, and the remaining amount is deposited in the customer’s account by the State government.
Those who have Ujjwala gas connections will also be reimbursed in a similar manner. There are 11.58 lakh Ujjwala gas connections in the State, with the Centre providing a subsidy of Rs.340 on each cylinder. The state government will deposit the remaining amount in the customer’s account, except for the Rs 500 gas price. For example, if a gas cylinder in Hyderabad costs Rs.970, with a Rs.340 Ujjwala subsidy, a Rs.500 Mahalakshmi price, and the remaining Rs.130 reimbursed by the state government. Top officials from the Civil Supplies Department have met with Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) to discuss implementing the Mahalakshmi scheme, with beneficiary lists set to be provided on Monday.