Telangana BC Welfare Minister Gangula Kamalakar has criticized BJP leader and MLA Etela Rajender for planning to contest in two places in the upcoming assembly elections. Kamalakar accused Rajender of being afraid of losing, as he mentioned that he would contest against KCR in Gajwel and also in Huzurabad. Kamalakar further alleged that Congress and BJP are colluding in Delhi and preparing to meet.
According to Kamalakar, Rajender’s decision to contest in two places is driven by the fear of BJP getting zero seats in Telangana. He also expressed his opposition to religious parties and parties involved in land grabs, urging that they should not be given any power.
Kamalakar criticized Andhra leaders such as YS Sharmila, KA Paul, KVP Ramachander Rao, and Kiran Kumar Reddy, accusing them of trying to merge Telangana back into Andhra Pradesh under the guise of BJP.