BC Welfare Minister Gangula Kamalakar spoke at a meeting in Karimnagar about celebrating Telangana state’s founding decennial celebrations grandly. The meeting was held with members of the Karimnagar Municipal Council, and corporators were advised to organize 20-day celebrations from June 2 to 22 across the city. The Minister discussed the development of the city and how it has changed under Chief Minister KCR’s leadership. The government has provided special funds of Rs 350 crore for the development and beautification of the city, and Rs 132 crore funds for the development of Karimnagar city. The living standards of the people of the city have improved in a very short time under the rule of the Telangana government.
The Minister wants Telangana state’s decennial celebrations to be celebrated as a grand festival according to the schedule given by the government. People should be made part of the fete. Before the creation of the Telangana state government, the previous governments did not grant even a single rupee for the development of Karimnagar city. The government developed infrastructure for future generations across the city. Tenders for the development work of Rs 132 crore have to be called and works have to be taken up in all divisions by the end of June.
Mayor Yadagiri Sunil Rao Rao, Deputy Mayor Challa Swaroopa Rani Hari Shakar, Commissioner Seva Islawat, members of the governing body, and officials participated in this meeting.