Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force, along with the Abids police, conducted raids at four shops in Jagdish Market. These shops were found to be selling fake Apple iPhone accessories. Four people were arrested for their involvement in this illegal activity. The police seized fake Apple products worth Rs 2.42 crore.
The arrested individuals are Nimb Singh (25), the owner of Target mobile shop, Hira Ram (24) of Patel mobile shop, Govind Lal Chauhan (45) of Aushapura mobile shop, and Mukesh Jain (32) of Nandi Mobiles. During the raid, the police confiscated 579 AirPods Pro, 351 USB adaptors, 747 USB power cables, 62 batteries, 17 power banks, and 1,401 back pouches. The total value of these seized items was Rs 2,42,55,900.
According to the police, these shop owners were illegally selling duplicate Apple accessories. They were using Apple logos and images to make the products look genuine. This violated the Copyright Act, and they were making easy profits by deceiving customers. YVS Sudheendra, DCP of the Task Force, said the accused were fully aware they were purchasing fake Apple products from marketing agents. The preliminary investigation revealed that these fake items were being sourced from Mumbai.