District Collector VP Gautham and Police Commissioner Vishnu S Warrier inspected the sites for the Ganesh immersion in Khammam on Monday. The immersion of Ganesh idols will take place at Kalvavoddu Munner, Prakash Nagar Munner, and Khammam Rural mandal towards Pedthanda in Khammam city. The officials have taken measures to ensure the availability of yard swimmers in the diving areas. They have also installed cranes, flood lights, and barricades for the event. Strong police arrangements have been made to prevent any untoward incidents, with CCTV cameras being monitored in the control room. All departments, including Municipal, Power, Revenue, R&B, Panchayat Raj, and Police, have been requested to cooperate for a peaceful Shobhayatra and immersion. In case of an emergency, people should contact the local police officers or dial 100. Municipal Commissioner Adarsh Surabhi, Additional DCP Law & Order Prasad Rao, Additional DCP Kumaraswamy, ACPs Harikrishna, Bhaswareddy, Ganesh, Sarangapani, and officials from various departments were present during the inspection.
Ganesh Immersion Preparedness Reviewed by Khammam Collector and CP
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