Gadwal: The district Collector, Valluri Kranti, has instructed officials to prepare for the Ganesh immersion program in the district. During a coordination meeting with district officials at the IDOC office on Thursday, the Collector emphasized the importance of working together to ensure a peaceful immersion.
To facilitate the smooth passage of idols, it was suggested that wires and trees be removed from the route. The concerned officials were also directed to monitor and prevent electrical accidents and repair roads damaged by rain. Municipal officials were tasked with maintaining sanitation and providing drinking water at the immersion site. Additionally, yard swimmers were to be stationed at the site to prevent water accidents.
The fire and medical departments were instructed to make all necessary arrangements for a seamless immersion process. Coordination meetings were planned in four municipalities, involving revenue, police, Panchayat Raj, R&B, and municipality departments. The goal was to complete the immersion without any issues or complications.