The president of the DCC, Patel Prabhakar Reddi, shocked the Congress party in Gadwal by resigning from his position and membership. He also met with BRS MLA Bandla Krisnamohan Reddy. During this meeting, the former DCC president allegedly accused Telangana PCC president Revanth Reddy of selling tickets for money and neglecting party members who have been working diligently for years. He claimed that Revanth Reddy is favoring wealthy newcomers like Sarita Tirupathaiah and giving them the Gadwal seat in exchange for money. Patel Prabhakar Reddi warned the PCC president that people will teach him a lesson at the right time. He thanked those party members who resigned along with him and mentioned that some of them even burned Congress flexes. He praised several other party members who joined him, including ex ZPTC and MPP Umadevi, KT Doddi mandal president Viswanath Reddy, Dharur mandal president Srikanth Goud, DCC vice president Karunakar, Raghu Naidu, and others. Political experts believe that this will be a major shock to the PCC and suggest that the president should address all the issues promptly.
Gadwal Congress party left in utter disbelief by a major shock
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