Thousands of mournful admirers from across the state came to Hyderabad to witness the final rites of Gaddar, also known as Balladeer Gummadi Vittal Rao. He was buried with full state honors at Mahaboodhi Vidyalaya in Alwal. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao visited Gaddar’s residence to pay his respects and console the grieving family members. The funeral procession from LB Stadium to Alwal was attended by thousands of admirers, with artists performing along the route. The government made arrangements for public viewing at LB Stadium. Many political leaders and celebrities also paid their respects to Gaddar. Activists and artists from all over Telangana gathered to say their final goodbyes, expressing their gratitude through singing and dancing. However, the decision to give Gaddar state honors was questioned by the Anti-Terrorism Forum, stating that it may upset the families of martyred policemen.
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