Sadaiah, a talented filmmaker from Telangana, is known for spreading laughter through his short films. His work highlights the everyday life and social issues of rural Telangana, using humor to connect with his audience. Some of his popular films include Bodlo Sanchi, Pendathantta, Auto Aapundri, Panchangam Cheptha, and Dr Kondanna. These films have made him a household name in the state.
Sadaiah’s journey toward success was not easy. He was born in Kanagarti village, Peddapalli district, and faced many struggles growing up. He lost his father, Bhumaiah, while he was still in the eighth grade. His mother, Nambamma, raised him under difficult circumstances. To pay his exam fees, Sadaiah worked various small jobs, earning just Rs 20 per day. Despite these challenges, he remained determined to complete his education.
From a young age, Sadaiah showed a natural talent for performing arts. At just nine years old, he was recognized for performing Burrakatha, a traditional form of storytelling. His performances at school events and anniversaries helped him gain local attention. Even though he faced financial difficulties as a college student, he managed to finish his studies and later secured a government job as a teacher in Ramadugu mandal.
In 1990, Sadaiah’s acting skills earned him the district-level Best Actor Award for his role in the play Na Naku Pellikavali. His love for comedy eventually led him to filmmaking. In 2007, he released his first short film, Kandala Kondanna (Yetulu Ekkuva), on YouTube. The film was a success, and since then, Sadaiah has created nearly 100 short films, all focusing on humor and village life.
Sadaiah’s films not only entertain but also celebrate the essence of Telangana’s rural culture. His YouTube channels, RS Nanda Comedy and Sadanna Comedy, are popular for their wholesome, village-centric storytelling. His efforts to promote Telangana’s language and folk traditions have earned him the nickname “Brahmanandam of Telangana.”
Looking ahead, Sadaiah has big dreams. He hopes to expand his reach by creating films in Hindi and English, aiming for international recognition. He draws inspiration from Charlie Chaplin and aspires to become a global comedian like him. In a conversation with The Hans India, Sadaiah said, “I have written over 50 songs on social issues, and I am passionate about bringing humor to the world. My dream is to achieve global recognition like Chaplin, and I hope to make people laugh everywhere.”