The Hyderabad City Traffic police have issued a traffic advisory from June 8 to June 10 due to the ‘Fish Prasadam’ event at Exhibition Ground in Nampally. Traffic diversions will be placed to ensure commuters’ safety and uninterrupted commuting. Motorists coming from MJ Market towards Exhibition Grounds will be diverted towards GPO Abids -Nampally Station Road on a need basis. From MJ Bridge and Begum Bazar, Chathri towards Nampally commuters will be diverted at Alaska towards Darussalam, EkMinar on need basis. Motorists coming from the PCR Junction towards Nampally will be diverted at AR Petrol Pump towards BJR Statue.
People coming from Nampally on four wheelers should park their vehicles at GruhaKalpa, Gagan Vihar and Chandra Vihar and proceed on foot towards Ajanta Gate/Gate no 2 Exhibition Ground for Fish Prasadam. People coming on four wheelers from MJ Market should park their vehicles at MAM, Girls Junior College, besides Board of Intermediate Education, Nampally. Visitors coming from MJ Market on two-wheelers shall park their vehicles at Bheemrao Bada parking area.
VIP car pass holders coming from MJ Market towards Gandhi Bhavan should take left turn towards Gate No 1 of Exhibition Ground and CWC Gate towards VIP Entry Gate and VIP car pass holders coming from Nampally will take ‘U’ Turn at Gandhi Bhavan and take left turn towards Gate No1 of Exhibition Ground and towards VIP Entry Gate at CWC Gate. The VIP vehicles will be parked at the VIP Parking area at CWC Godowns. After taking Fish Prasadam, the VIP Cars will exit from VIP Gate, CWC Gate, Aadab Hotel and take a left turn and proceed towards Nampally.
Auto alighting is arranged for people coming for Fish Prasadam in front of Shezan Hotel, Bhavani Wines / Old Juvenile court and Excise Office. On the left side of the road, parking areas for the autos are earmarked. Government vehicles shall be parked at Bheem Rao Bada, Nampally. Police requested the citizens to make a note of the diversions and choose their travelling routes accordingly and cooperate with the Hyderabad Traffic Police. In case of any emergency, call 9010203626 (Traffic Helpline) for any travel assistance.