Journalists from both print and electronic media met with District SP Apurva Rao on Saturday in Nalgonda. They submitted a memorandum demanding that illegal cases filed against HMTV and district journalist Ashok Goud by BRS leaders in six police stations be quashed. The cases were filed after the TV channel aired a story on corruption in the Dalit Bandhu scheme.
During the meeting, TWJ district president Garlapati Krishna Reddy stated that it was unfair for the BRS leaders to file SC and ST Atrocity cases against the TV channel and journalist. He believed that the cases were an attempt to threaten journalists and destroy freedom of the press. Krishna Reddy demanded that the police department immediately quash the illegal cases.
Krishna Reddy also questioned the government’s motive behind lodging these cases. He said that the cases were registered against Ashok Goud in six police stations just to threaten journalists. He warned that if the illegal cases were not lifted immediately, TWJ would intensify the stir at both district and state level.
SP Apoorva Rao responded to the journalists’ petition by saying that she would look into the cases filed against Ashok Goud and make a decision.