The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police have arrested a person named Shruti Mayur Bafna for engaging in fraudulent transactions and deceiving multiple individuals by buying bank accounts from intermediaries. The arrest was made following a complaint from a victim in Padmaraonagar. The victim stated that the cyber fraudsters contacted them through social media apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, and offered a part-time job to work from home, rating and reviewing hostels for an online platform. The victim was then convinced to invest money, resulting in a loss of Rs 21.7 lakh.
Upon receiving the complaint, the police registered a case under Section 66(C) and (D) of the IT Act, as well as Section 419 and 420 of the IPC, and initiated an investigation. It was discovered during the investigation that the accused, Shruti Mayur Bafna, owned a proprietorship firm called Tenex Investment and Trading, which dealt with stock market and crypto market trading.
Furthermore, it was found that she had purchased a bank account from another individual for her trading activities. The fraudsters would then transfer money into these accounts, and Shruti would earn a 1% commission for facilitating these transactions. Additionally, she would receive an additional commission of 10-15% from the fraudsters. The total amount received in both accounts through these fraudulent activities was approximately Rs 3 crore. These two accounts were involved in 25 cases, with three cases registered in Telangana.